

Hi!  My name is Kimberly and I'm a college student from the United States currently studying abroad in the small town of Bø, Norway.  I am a long-time vegetarian and recent vegan and this blog will follow my culinary adventures as I try to cook healthy, inexpensive, VEGAN food in a foreign country.  I am on a pretty tight budget as far as food goes (well, let's face it - I'm on a pretty tight budget period) so most of my food will be focused on simplicity and fewer ingredients.  I also don't have very many cooking utensils, so the fewer gadgets involved, the better.  For those of you who are interested, here is what I have in my kitchen:

Small cutting board and chef's knife (I brought these from the US)
Large metal skillet (borrowed from the International Student Office*)
Medium-sized sauce pan (International Student Office)
Large plastic spoon (International Student Office)
Spatula (bought in Bø)
Measuring cups and spoons (from the US - why are we not on the metric system?!)
Strainer (bought at a flea market in Bø)
9 x 13 Pyrex baking dish (bought in Bø)
Three plastic mixing bowls of varying sizes (bought in Bø)
Tea kettle (bought at flea market in Bø)

*The International Student Office here is kind enough to keep leftover kitchen supplies from previous international students and let current international students use them.  There's a ton of stuff, but it's kind of a free-for-all with 90 students who all need cooking supplies, so you have to be strategic about what you get.  I don't think I did too badly. 

Food I brought from the US

Okay, so I was a little nervous about not being able to eat ANYTHING in Norway, so I may have packed a bunch of extra dry foods in my suitcase.  Honestly, it's been very nice having some ingredients I'm used to working with, so if you're going abroad, I would recommend it.  

Dried black beans
Dried chickpeas
Dried lentils
TVP (texturized vegetable protein) 
Biscuit mix (homemade - my mom's recipe!)
Falafel mix (not homemade - from Trader Joe's)
Nutritional Yeast
Green tea

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